Incremental execution of model-to-text transformations using property access traces


Automatic generation of textual artefacts (including code, documentation, configuration files, build scripts, etc.) from models in a software development process through the application of model-to-text (M2T) transformation is a common MDE activity. Despite the importance of M2T transformation, contemporary M2T languages lack support for developing transformations that scale with the size of the input model. As MDE is applied to systems of increasing size and complexity, a lack of scalability in M2T transformation languages hinders industrial adoption. In this paper, we propose a form of runtime analysis that can be used to identify the impact of source model changes on generated textual artefacts. The structures produced by this runtime analysis, property access traces, can be used to perform efficient source-incremental transformation: our experiments show an average reduction of 60% in transformation execution time compared to non-incremental (batch) transformation.

本文是对EGL和EGX在运行速度方面的优化,通过设计一种运行时分析工具,降低了转换时间,提高了代码运行效率。是对引用三(Property access traces for source incremental model-to-text transformation.Modelling Foundations and Applications—11th European Conference 2015)论文的扩展。第二章结合扫了EGL。第三章介绍Property access traces,包括基本概念、EGX的使用、Metamodel、离线运行模式和在线运行模式。第四章结合两个例子对效率提升进行分析,并加以讨论。