笔记:Towards the Formal Verification of SysML v2 Models
笔记:Product Lines of Graphical Modelling Languages
笔记:Modular Language Product Lines:A Graph Transformation Approach
笔记:Picto Web:A Tool for Complex Model Exploration
笔记:Towards Runtime Monitoring for Responsible Machine Learning using Model-driven Engineering
笔记:Automation in Model-Driven Engineering:A look back, and ahead
笔记:Advancing Domain-Specific High-Integrity Model-Based Tools:Insights and Future Pathways
笔记:Model-Based Development of Engine Control Systems:Experiences and Lessons Learnt
笔记:Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA Handbook)
小记:Model Based Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (MBFMECA) for the RS25 Engine using SysML