笔记:Towards the Formal Verification of SysML v2 Models
Towards the Formal Verification of SysML v2 Models
Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is the de facto standard in the industry for modeling complex systems. SysML v2 is the new version of the language with reworked fundamentals. In this paper, we explore how the new formal semantics of SysML v2 can enable formal verification and various forms of automated reasoning. Formal verification involves mathematically proving the correctness of a system’s design with respect to certain specif ...
笔记:Product Lines of Graphical Modelling Languages
Product Lines of Graphical Modelling Languages
Modelling languages are essential in many disciplines to express knowledge in a precise way. Furthermore, some domains require families of notations (rather than individual languages) that account for variations of a language. Some examples of language families include those to define automata, Petri nets, process models or software architectures. Several techniques have been proposed to engineer families of languages, but ...
笔记:Modular Language Product Lines:A Graph Transformation Approach
MODELS2022:Modular Language Product Lines:A Graph Transformation Approach
SoSyM2024:Modular language product lines: concept, tool and analysis
Modelling languages are intensively used in paradigms like modeldriven engineering to automate all tasks of the development process.These languages may have variants, in which case the need arises to deal with language families rather than with individual languages.However, specifying the syntax and semantics of each language varia ...
笔记:Picto Web:A Tool for Complex Model Exploration
MODELS2022: Picto web: a tool for complex model exploration
CPS2024: Exploring complex models with picto web
Picto Web开源代码
Picto Web is a multi-tenant web-based tool for complex model exploration. It can transform different types of models into a variety of transient web-based views in formats such as HTML, Graphviz and PlantUML using rule-based model-to-text transformations. Picto Web implements a lazy view computation approach to support large models and complex transformations ef ...
笔记:Towards Runtime Monitoring for Responsible Machine Learning using Model-driven Engineering
Towards Runtime Monitoring for Responsible Machine Learning using Model-driven Engineering
Machine learning (ML) components are used heavily in many current software systems, but developing them responsibly in practice remains challenging. ‘Responsible ML’ refers to developing, deploying and maintaining ML-based systems that adhere to humancentric requirements, such as fairness, privacy, transparency, safety, accessibility, and human values. Meeting these requirements is essential f ...
笔记:Automation in Model-Driven Engineering:A look back, and ahead
Automation in Model-Driven Engineering: A look back, and ahead
Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) provides a huge body of knowledge of automation for many different engineering tasks, especially those involving transitioning from design to implementation. With the huge progress made in Artificial Intelligence (AI), questions arise about the future of MDE, such as how existing MDE techniques and technologies can be improved or how other activities that currently lack dedicated support ca ...
笔记:Advancing Domain-Specific High-Integrity Model-Based Tools:Insights and Future Pathways
Model-Based Development of Engine Control Systems:Experiences and Lessons Learnt
Rolls-Royce Control Systems supplies engine control and monitoring systems for aviation applications, and is required to design, certify, and deliver these to the highest level of safety assurance. To allow Rolls-Royce to develop safe and robust systems, which continue to increase in complexity, model-based techniques are now a critical part of the software development process. In this paper, we discuss ...
笔记:Model-Based Development of Engine Control Systems:Experiences and Lessons Learnt
Model-Based Development of Engine Control Systems:Experiences and Lessons Learnt2021 MODELS Best Paper Award, Practice & Innovation TrackAbstraction
Rolls-Royce Control Systems supplies engine control and monitoring systems for aviation applications, and is required to design, certify, and deliver these to the highest level of safety assurance. To allow Rolls-Royce to develop safe and robust systems, which continue to increase in complexity, model-based techniques are now a critical part of ...
笔记:Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA Handbook)
引言美国汽车工业行动集团(AIAG)和德国汽车工业联合会(VDA)的整车厂(OEM)和一级子供应商成员合作的成果。本手册替代了美国汽车工业行动集团FMEA第四版和VDA Volume 4 “Product and Process FMEA”。
评估产品/过程中失效的潜在技术风险(evaluate the potential technical risks of failure of a product or process)
分析失效的起因和影响(analyze the causes and effects of those failures)
记录预防和探测措施(document preventive and detection actions)
针对降低风险的措施提出建议(recommend actions to reduce risk)
The objective of FMEA is to identify the function ...
小记:Model Based Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (MBFMECA) for the RS25 Engine using SysML
在这个载人航天不断飞翔的时代,对航天器的可靠性和可维护性的改进有着强烈的需求。成功航天器的主要驱动力之一是坚固而多功能的推进系统。推进系统的设计需要在性能、可靠性和成本之间取得适当的平衡。本研究的重点是可靠性。本研究提出了一个基于模型的框架,使用系统建模语言 (SysML) 进行故障模式、影响和危害性分析 (FMECA)。该框架以传统火箭发动机 RS-25(以前称为航天飞机主发动机 (SSME))为例。将航天飞机时代的 SSME 用于太空发射系统 (SLS) 任务的目标是必须进行升级以降低发动机成本。此外,升级将需要重新认证发动机以进行载人发射。之所以选择这款发动机进行研究,是为了通过基于模型的故障模式、影响和危害性分析 (MBFMECA) 实现重新认证。因此,在基于模型的系统工程 (MBSE) 的背景下,MBFMECA 已经开发并详细阐述。提议的框架将补充正在进行的 RS-25 发动机可负担性研究工作。
故障模式和影响分析 (FMEA) 是一种用于识别导致系统故障的潜在问题及其原因的过程。FMEA 标准最初由 MIL-STD-1629 定义。自诞生以来,在 FMEA 中添加了方面危害 ...