笔记:Incremental execution of model-to-text transformations using property access traces
Incremental execution of model-to-text transformations using property access traces
Automatic generation of textual artefacts (including code, documentation, configuration files, build scripts, etc.) from models in a software development process through the application of model-to-text (M2T) transformation is a common MDE activity. Despite the importance of M2T transformation, contemporary M2T languages lack support for developing transformations that scale with the size of the inpu ...
笔记:Solving the Instance Model-View Update Problem in AADL
Solving the Instance Model-View Update Problem in AADL
The Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) is a rich language for modeling embedded systems through several constructs such as component extension and refinement to promote modularity of component declarations. To ease processing AADL models, OSATE, the reference tool for AADL, defines another model (namely ‘instance’ model) computed from a base ‘declarative’ model/s. An instance model is a simple object tree where all ...
笔记:10 years of Model Federation with Openflexo:Challenges and Lessons Learned
10 years of Model Federation with Openflexo: Challenges and Lessons Learned
In the context of complex system development, heterogeneous modeling responds to the need to integrate several domains. This need requires the use of the most appropriate formalism and tooling for each domain to be efficient. Model federation promotes the semantic interoperability of heterogeneous models by providing the means to reify correspondences between different model elements, add custom behaviors an ...
笔记:Partial Bidirectionalization of Model Transformation Languages
Partial Bidirectionalization of Model Transformation Languages
While most model-transformation languages in Model-Driven Engineering are unidirectional, bidirectionality is valuable when artifacts need two-way synchronization. Although several bidirectional transformation engines have been developed, their behavior is generally considered more difficult to formulate and predict compared to the unidirectional case. In the bidirectionalization approach, users write the forward directi ...
笔记:Tree-Based versus Hybrid Graphical-Textual Model Editors:An Empirical Study of Testing Specifications
Tree-Based versus Hybrid Graphical-Textual Model Editors: An Empirical Study of Testing Specifications
Tree-based model editors and hybrid graphical-textual model editors have advantages and limitations when editing domain models. Data is displayed hierarchically in tree-based model editors, whereas hybrid graphical-textual model editors capture high-level domain concepts graphically and low-level domain details textually. We conducted an empirical user study with 22 participants to ...
Eclipse Modeling Framework 2.0 笔记
第二部分(5-9章)介绍Ecore和其他形式的关系(UML、Java、XML Schema);
第1章 Eclipse项目Eclipse项目本身可以划分为4个主要子项目:Equinox、平台、Java开发工具(Java Development Tools)、插件开发环境(Plug-in Development Environment,PDE)。
第2章 EMF介绍第3章 使用EMF.Edit编辑模型第4章 使用EMF——简单概述第5章 Ecore建模概念第6章 UML第7章 Java源代码第8章 扩展的Ecore建模第9章 XML Schema第10章 EMF生成器模式第11章 EMF.Edit生成器模式第12章 运行生成器第13章 示例——实现模型和编辑器第14章 探索元数据第15章 持久化第16章 客户端编程工具箱第17章 更改模型第18章 验证架构第19章 EMF.Edit编程第20章 Eclipse IDE之外的应用领域第2 ...
SysML v2手册导读
OMG System Modeling Language (Version 2.0 beta 2)
Clause 7 describes SysML from a user point of view. Its subclauses describe the modeling constructs in SysML, including for each a general overview, related abstract syntax diagrams and a description of the textual and graphical notation. The overviews in this clause should be considered informative. The abstract syntax and notation subclauses, however, are normative, including descriptions of the processing of the textual notation and i ...
笔记:Towards the Formal Verification of SysML v2 Models
Towards the Formal Verification of SysML v2 Models
Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is the de facto standard in the industry for modeling complex systems. SysML v2 is the new version of the language with reworked fundamentals. In this paper, we explore how the new formal semantics of SysML v2 can enable formal verification and various forms of automated reasoning. Formal verification involves mathematically proving the correctness of a system’s design with respect to certain specif ...
笔记:Product Lines of Graphical Modelling Languages
Product Lines of Graphical Modelling Languages
Modelling languages are essential in many disciplines to express knowledge in a precise way. Furthermore, some domains require families of notations (rather than individual languages) that account for variations of a language. Some examples of language families include those to define automata, Petri nets, process models or software architectures. Several techniques have been proposed to engineer families of languages, but ...
笔记:Modular Language Product Lines:A Graph Transformation Approach
MODELS2022:Modular Language Product Lines:A Graph Transformation Approach
SoSyM2024:Modular language product lines: concept, tool and analysis
Modelling languages are intensively used in paradigms like modeldriven engineering to automate all tasks of the development process.These languages may have variants, in which case the need arises to deal with language families rather than with individual languages.However, specifying the syntax and semantics of each language varia ...