笔记:Advancing Domain-Specific High-Integrity Model-Based Tools:Insights and Future Pathways
Model-Based Development of Engine Control Systems:Experiences and Lessons Learnt
Rolls-Royce Control Systems supplies engine control and monitoring systems for aviation applications, and is required to design, certify, and deliver these to the highest level of safety assurance. To allow Rolls-Royce to develop safe and robust systems, which continue to increase in complexity, model-based techniques are now a critical part of the software development process. In this paper, we discuss the experiences, challenges and lessons learnt when developing a bespoke domain-specific modelling workbench based on open-source modelling technologies including the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF), Xtext, Sirius and Epsilon. This modelling workbench will be used to architect and integrate the software for all future Rolls-Royce engine control and monitoring systems.
本文是接着21年论文对CaMCOA Studio介绍的延续,介绍了这种联合Simulink和Sirius的MBSE工具,这篇展示了更多信息。第二节指出一个模型要在不同的抽象层级中表示,也就是NDSM、PDDM、EAM等,他们要在同一个平台上应对这些不同信息层级的模型,并处理追溯性、兼容性等问题。第三节介绍了一些挑战,有软件性能、模型间索引、版本变更带来的模型迁移。第四节汇总了一些代码开发的心得和经验。第五节结合了将软件迁移到Web端的可能性,如使用Sirius Web或GLSP。第六节提出了在云端创建的设想。总体上是对CaMCOA项目的更详细更全面的汇总报告和工具介绍。