Model-Based Development of Engine Control Systems:Experiences and Lessons Learnt
2021 MODELS Best Paper Award, Practice & Innovation Track

Rolls-Royce Control Systems supplies engine control and monitoring systems for aviation applications, and is required to design, certify, and deliver these to the highest level of safety assurance. To allow Rolls-Royce to develop safe and robust systems, which continue to increase in complexity, model-based techniques are now a critical part of the software development process. In this paper, we discuss the experiences, challenges and lessons learnt when developing a bespoke domain-specific modelling workbench based on open-source modelling technologies including the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF), Xtext, Sirius and Epsilon. This modelling workbench will be used to architect and integrate the software for all future Rolls-Royce engine control and monitoring systems.

本文介绍了一种名为CaMCOA Studio的软件工具,是由约克大学为劳斯莱斯开发的基于模型的引擎控制系统模型管理平台。整个论文只有四张图,声称用户可以使用但是没有开源代码,所使用的工具链全部都是开源工具(主要是Epsilon和Sirius)。论文分别介绍了几个问题:metamodel创建问题、Sirius的功能问题、模型管理中的EGL、ETL、EVL、ECL使用等,实现了一个Simulink和EMF的模型转换,(原文4.B节)其中,EMF2Simulink使用的是ETL+Simulink driver的组合,Simulink2EMF使用的是CaMCOA先转XML,后转EMF。后文还讨论了多人协同开发等一系列工程问题。