小记:Modeling Behavior Elements for the RS-25 Engine using SysML for Improved Affordability
为运载火箭(如太空发射系统 (SLS))开发复杂推进系统的成功之路取决于性能、可靠性和成本之间的最佳平衡。在过去十年中,复杂推进系统的技术和创新应用超越了运载火箭的开发,转向提高可负担性和安全性。因此,本研究旨在补充正在进行的努力,即为 RS-25 发动机建立一个基于模型的平台,以实现可负担性。该发动机被选为研究候选是因为需要重启生产,采用新技术并降低成本。利用基于模型的系统工程 (MBSE) 的范例,结构架构和基于模型的平台用于执行故障模式、影响和危害性分析 (FMECA) 之前已在系统建模语言 (SysML) 中建模和开发。本研究的重点是扩展基于模型的可靠性框架,以包括 RS-25 发动机的行为方面(发动机性能、测试策略、设计变更实施和结果等)。我们已经详细说明了逐步的努力并讨论了结果,以开发 RS-25 发动机的全面可负担性平台。
小记:MBSE Utilization for Additive Manufactured Rocket Propulsion Components
Abstraction基于模型的系统工程 (MBSE) 已在美国宇航局的各种航天计划中得到越来越广泛的应用,例如人类登陆火星现场资源利用 (ISRU) 和地月栖息地架构、商业载人计划 (CCP) 和太空发射系统 (SLS)。最近,MBSE 还帮助支持了美国宇航局的可靠性设计 (DFR) 和任务保障活动。MBSE 的使用有助于在数字环境中可视化整个系统的开发。对于火箭推进系统的开发,利用 MBSE 有助于找到以全面和连贯的方式在整个生命周期内降低成本、进度和风险的方法。为了在竞争激烈的太空竞赛环境中实现可负担性,重要的是要利用增材制造 (AM) 等较新的制造技术。在火箭推进系统的开发中,AM 为通常很复杂的火箭发动机设计提供了新的设计和性能机会。与传统生产技术相比,增材制造火箭推进元件的根本优势在于缩短了交货时间并降低了成本。增材制造设计有助于实现复杂的形状和几何形状,而使用传统生产方法生产这些形状和几何形状通常具有挑战性且成本高昂。在火箭推进系统开发的背景下,AM 提供了实现技术和经济上可行的新型发动机设计的技术机会。NASA 的增材制造演示发动机 (AMDE) 等重大努力在火箭推进发 ...
小记:Understanding the Affordability Benefits of Utilizing Additive Manufacturing (AM) for Legacy Liquid Rocket Engine Components and its Quantification Using Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
本次阅读关注涉及SysML的部分,不关注增材制造(AM)有关的内容。本文展示了一种分析火箭组件 MCC 表面粗糙度的方法,以及该表面粗糙度如何影响火箭发动机的性能。创建了 MATLAB 子程序来评估损失和性能,并运行在 SysML 中开发的基于模型的框架。然后使用 SSME 数据验证了该模型[30]。
在进行这项研究时,我们更好地了解了使用 AM 升级火箭发动机部件与火箭性能之间的权衡。在此过程中,还展示了基于模型的方法的功能。 在可负担性方面,如果工程师要做出明智的决策,需求可追溯性至关重要。例如,使用此模型的制造工程师可以更好地估计 AM 部件需要多少后处理才能满足性能要求。这可以进一步缩短部件的交付周期,或减轻试验台上的潜在故障,从而减少认证发动机的时间。此外,本文探讨的方面是建立一种全面的以模型为中心的可负担性方法,确保系统整个生命周期阶段的可追溯性和一致性。最后,这将有助于在系统生命周期的早期设想以故障为中心的方面,优化测试-失败-修复周期所花费的时间,实现可负担性。 可负担性和重新认证传统火箭发动机的问题取决于测试-失败-修复周期 ...
小记:Small Statellites Launcher Design Efficiency Improvement through the Application of Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation-based Systems Engineering
过去几年,由于虚拟建模可靠性的提高,系统仿真软件方法在所有工程领域的数量显著增加。它们的主要优势是缩短了开发时间,降低了与硬件错误相关的成本,在模拟世界和现实世界之间建立了桥梁。由于其历史背景,现有的关于模型和仿真 (M&S) 的文献在航天器设计中非常广泛。早期的建模和仿真支持了太空时代的发展,测试是验证空气动力学、控制律和结构设计的主要方法。 ...
笔记:Domain-specific languages for the automated generation of datasets for industry 4.0 applications
Domain-specific languages for the automated generation of datasets for industry 4.0 applications
Data collected in Industry 4.0 applications must be converted into tabular datasets before they can be processed by analysis algorithms, as in any data analysis system. To perform this transformation, data scientists have to write complex and long scripts, which can be a cumbersome process. To overcome this limitation, a language called Lavoisier was recently created to fac ...
笔记:Design ontology for cognitive thread supporting traceability management in model-based systems engineering
Design ontology for cognitive thread supporting traceability management in model-based systems engineering
Industrial information integration engineering (IIIE) is an interdisciplinary field to facilitate the industrial information integration process. In the age of complex and large-scale systems, model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is widely adopted in industry to support IIIE. Traceability management is considered the foundation of information management in MBSE ...
笔记:What makes a good modeling research contribution?
What makes a good modeling research contribution?)
作者是Richard F. Paige。
The modeling field is rapidly evolving and expanding to address new research topics and to connect with new disciplines. As such, what constituted a good modeling research contribution ten years ago may not be the same today. We try to distill some insights of what we (and the community we aim to represent) consider today as key elements of a good research paper in the field of software and systems modeling. Suc ...
笔记:Testing, Validation, and Verification of Robotic and Autonomous Systems:A Systematic Review
Testing, Validation, and Verification of Robotic and Autonomous Systems: A Systematic Review
作者是KCL的Hugo Araujo。
We perform a systematic literature review on testing, validation, and verification of robotic and autonomous systems (RAS). The scope of this review covers peer-reviewed research papers proposing, improving, or evaluating testing techniques, processes, or tools that address the system-level qualities of RAS.Our survey is performed based on a rigorous methodology structure ...
笔记:Model Transformation Development Using Automated Requirements Analysis, Metamodel Matching, and Transformation by Example
Model Transformation Development Using Automated Requirements Analysis, Metamodel Matching, and Transformation by Example
作者是KCL的Kevin Lano。
In this article, we address how the production of model transformations (MT) can be accelerated by automation of transformation synthesis from requirements, examples, and metamodels. We introduce a synthesis process based on metamodel matching, correspondence patterns between metamodels, and completeness and consistency analysis of matches. We ...
笔记:Early Validation and Verification of System Behaviour in Model-based Systems Engineering:A Systematic Literature Review
Early Validation and Verification of System Behaviour in Model-based Systems Engineering:A Systematic Literature Review
In the Systems Engineering (SE) domain there has been a paradigm shift from document-based to model-based system development artefacts; in fact, new methodologies are emerging to meet the increasing complexity of current systems and the corresponding growing need of digital workflows. In this regard, Model-Based Systems Engineering (MB ...